In the middle of 2024, after 11 years of operating as Firefly Photography, I changed my business name. Naturally, questions arise – mainly WHYYY?! This episode is all about the nuts and bolts of both how (and why!) I changed my business name.
I go through the history of why I chose the name I had before and why I decided to make the switch to a operating under my actual name, Leah O’Connell.

Making decisions for your business
Have you ever known you needed to make a change for your business but felt scared about what it would cost you?
Or maybe you’ve resisted taking risks or making investments or choices that you knew deep down were good choices but felt scary?
If you answered yes, then whether or not you’re considering a name change or deciding on your own business name, this episode will have something helpful for you. Decisions are hard, and hopefully this gives you some insight into one example of how and why I made this big one for my family photography business.
In this episode, I’m sharing:
- The history of my longstanding previous name (Firefly Photography)
- The turning point for feeling the nudge to change it
- Making business personal on purpose
- Simplifying branding by returning to the basics
- Logistics about changing a name and implications for things like SEO

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