Leah O'Connell

Charlottesville family photographer

Love what you do and how you do it.

With equal parts art and business, I want to help you find clarity, peace, and joy through photographing families. 

I've spent the last 20 years building a business I'm proud of. I love what I do, how I do it, and who I do it for...and that's the gold I want to pass on to you, too.

With a masters degree in education, I’m as equally obsessed with teaching as I am about art. My goal is to help other photographers cut through the clutter and feel on fire about their work all around.

how i can help

Right-Track Audits

If you're feeling scattered, unorganized, and ready for a system that helps you figure out what you need to do next... this is that system. 1 hour to the clarity and direction you need to thrive.

1:1 Mentoring

The in-depth support to tackle your big blocks and level-up to bring new clarity and excitement to your work as an artist and business owner. Virtual and In-person options!

learn more
learn more

the Photo Fuel Podcast

Through stories and interviews tailored to family photographers, we'll tackle topics on skills, mindset, marketing and more. This podcast will help you fan your own flame towards doing more of what you love and loving how you do it.

Listen in





The Podcast for Family Photographers

Insightful, down-to-earth episodes about the swirl of vision, art, and business in the family photography genre. Between solo teaching and guest interviews, you'll pack your creative toolbox with confidence, skills, and inspiration to fuel your work and your life. 

A custom video recording with review, advice, and positive reinforcement tailored to empower your next steps with confidence.

Right-track audits

Within 1 week, I'll record & send a personalized video with review, feedback, and personalized coaching.  Expect up to 30 minutes of valuable insight with encouragement about what you're doing right, and constructive perspective to help you to break through your ceilings with confidence. 

Receive your audit video

This gives me some context on your current business + your goals, vision, and hangups. It will help me tailor my feedback to what's most helpful in growing the business you're actually after

You'll also attach your media for me to review.

fill out the intake form

Raise your hand for support and I'll be there with bells on. Use the contact form to let me know which audit you're interested in and I'll reply with a proposal and the steps to book online.

Reach out

how it works

Choose your audit

1. Website Audit

Step back from the work you're close to and see the gold you may be missing. Discover your strongest images that are getting buried, receive feedback on your messaging and get clarity on where and how you can improve to better connect with your potential clients.

2. Gallery Audit

Gain gentle and constructive perspective on your strongest images within up to 2 recent galleries. I'll include culling recommendations and tips, and outside eyes on your unique super powers. Recieve feedback on  lighting, posing, and direction within your current work to improve for future sessions.

  • A bite-sized way to  dip your toe into working with a mentor
  • Asynchronous feedback (no coordinating complicated schedules!) 
  • Watch and learn as many times as you need
  • Focussed feedback on your imagery
  • Open, honest, and gentle feedback with a trusted source (hi, it's me!)
  • Completely confidential 

Right-track audits | $65

reach out to schedule

I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. 

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"

tripled his revenue


Lydia - Apolo and Ivy

"If you need guidance, whether it's artistic guidance for the actual photography or the business backend, Leah delivers it. You'll feel supported and well cared for throughout your engagement, since communication continues on Voxer between calls (and her responses are really well thought-out, so you know she's not just riffing to check "reply to this person" off her list).

Mentoring with Leah is an experience that will help you not only build and grow your business, but also your self-confidence"

“I was feeling burnt out and discouraged but was too overwhelmed to get started. [leah] laid it all out in such a clear and concise way."

- Alima

You've been climbing alone long enough - mentoring can help you level-up and break through to your next best self as an artist and business-owner. 

Mentoring for family photographers

You could be ready for mentoring if:

you're drawn to

sessions at home but feel like it's a huge pivot and your clients would never go for it. 


a huge influx of clients in one season (cough, fall) but need your sanity back with better pacing throughout the year


build a business that's sustainable and life-giving. You're on track to burnout (or in the thick of it) instead.

You're Confused about

how to reach clients who you really connect with - you're over social media and the quick content grind, but aren't sure how to market without it)

refined workflows that get you working more efficiently and moving in the right direction for your goals

clear vision and direction for your unique purpose, market, and art

peace with a plan for heart-led, personal, direct marketing strategies 

confidence shooting with families in any home 


I feel like we think the same, except Leah's the version of my brain that is already organized. She blows it out of the park everytime. So thankful for this information!"

"This was GOLD.

- Victoria

She is responsive, helpful and super supportive!! She gives action steps for you to actually apply her teachings. "

"Leah is an amazing teacher -clear and educational, without being overwhelming.


When leaving your time with Leah, expect to feel motivated with tangible tasks to move forward on. She is a breath of fresh air and will push you to think outside the "mainstream box" on business and photography."

outside the "mainstream" box on business and photography.

"Leah is authentic, wise, and honest - she holds nothing back when mentoring her clients and deeply cares. 

- Autumn

  • Two 90-minute recorded calls within 90 days

  • Written recap/action plan after each call

  • Unlimited Voxer support in between calls to troubleshoot, empower, and clarify so you can keep going towards your goals and see real change

Mentoring Package | 750

* In-person half-day workshop options are available for those who are close enough to come work together in Charlottesville, VA - reach out for more details on shooting, culling, editing, and planning in-person sounds more your speed!

Let's meet for (virtual) coffee

step 1

Every mentoring relationship starts with a no-strings-attached call to see if we're a good fit and how I can help. 30 minutes on zoom to break the ice and talk shop. If you don't want to move forward after that, there's zero pressure!

schedule an intro call

- charis

“The mentoring calls I did with Leah were by far the most helpful thing in gaining clarity and focus for my business in the last year”

Watch me work