Something that always comes up in the audits I do, in any mentoring call I’ve done in the last 2 years, and in conversations all the time with photographers is COPY. Specifically, for your family photography website. In this episode, I have four simple copy tips for your family photography website that will take under an hour to tweak. Even though they’re simple, they make such a huge difference in your ability to attract and hold the attention of your dream clients and move through your customer journey and into that contact form.

We talk about things like:
- The ‘fluff test’
- What you “about” page is really for
- How to use the magic combination of personal vision, your favorite images, and customer feedback to write your website
- Better calls to action
- Logistic and design quick tips to support your copy and make sure people actually read it
// Links Discussed //
Right track audits:
Episode 10 – Website Work:
Episode 20- 6 ways to Nurture your Family Photography Clients
The Big-Picture Workbook: