Leah O'Connell

Charlottesville family photographer

A custom video recording with constructive advice and actions tailored to empower your next steps with confidence.

Right-track audits

mentoring for family photographers

- Jenna Hescha

[My audit] was super helpful! It's given me a lot of helpful advice to think about and things I'll be actioning immediately. I already updated my main page and I like it so much more! I'll for sure be taking this with me as I move forward this year.  

Right-track audits | $65

Open, honest and gentle feedback with a trusted source (hi, it's me!)

Watch as many times as you need

Completely confidential

I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. 

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"

tripled his revenue


Choose your audit

brand Audit

  • Step back from the work you're close to and see the gold in yourself you may be missing.
  • Discover your strongest images that are getting buried, get fresh eyes on your messaging,
  •  and build momentum on what you've already got going for you. 
  • Make small tweaks for big impact

Gallery Audit

  • Gentle and constructive perspective on your strongest images within up to 2 recent galleries
  • Culling recommendations and tips
  • Outside eyes on your unique super powers that are shining through and what's getting buried
  • Technical tips to improve use of lighting, posing and direction, composition, etc

You'll walk away with confidence in sharing your best work, a more aligned body of images to attract your ideal people, and gentle ideas to refine your future work in the direction of making more art with the same visual strength. 

Either way...



Love what you do and how you do it.

With equal parts art and business, I want to help you find clarity, peace, and joy through photographing families. 

I've spent the last 20 years building a business I'm proud of. I love what I do, how I do it, and who I do it for...and that's the gold I want to pass on to you, too.

With a masters degree in education, I’m as equally obsessed with teaching as I am about art. My goal is to help other photographers cut through the clutter and feel on fire about their work all around.

meet leah